Depression Therapy

Online Therapy in Silver Spring and Throughout Maryland & Virginia

Life is just too hard and you don’t know what to do anymore.

Your depression is holding you back from living your life, but you seem so put together on the outside. Even though you struggle to get out of bed and question your existence and self-worth. You feel numb, lost, regretful, overwhelmed, and fearful of repeating negative experiences. People may not even think you’re depressed because you’re funny and are still able to do what you need to stay afloat. What they don’t realize is that you make jokes as a way to avoid the pain. You’re often up late at night struggling to fall asleep because you dread doing it all over again the next day.

Golden Hour over mountain range to represent therapy being able to focus and calm

Your depression has interfered with your ability to connect with others, benefit from the positive aspects that life has to offer, and feel anything but exhausted. You’re struggling each day despite “doing everything right” and you can’t seem to escape the bubble of negativity and worse case scenarios.

You know you’re depressed and you have a good idea why, but it seems nearly impossible to break out of the cycle.

You’re feeling too exhausted and overwhelmed from life to get out of bed most days, so you’re wondering,

How do I get myself out of this dark hole?

You don’t have to do this alone. I’ll be there with you to help you step by step, in manageable stages, find your way out. Sometimes, you just need things to move slower and for someone to see beyond your sadness and struggles and see you. I will take the time to truly understand you.

Once you break free from the confines of your negative thoughts, you'll see that there is a whole other side to your life waiting to be explored. We will rediscover who you are because you're more than your depression. Therapy will help you feel confident, and more deeply rooted in yourself, and learn to love who you are. When you believe that you’re worth it, your life can change. You'll reconnect with those you may have isolated yourself from and do more of what you enjoy because you'll finally be able to see through the haze of self-doubt and fear of failure.

With depression therapy you can…

  • Understand your depression and where it stems from.

  • Challenge and reframe negative thought patterns.

  • Develop effective and personalized coping skills that you can utilize throughout life to combat negative thoughts.

  • Regulate your emotions.

  • Discover who you are underneath the depression.

  • Reconnect with loved ones.

  • Love yourself.

  • Improve your sleep.

  • Look to the future with hope and possibility.

You’re worthy of healing and happiness.